An exhibition designed and based around a local NJ haunt/legend— the Seabrook Wilson House. Users were able to walk around the space at their own pace in order to discover the full story of this historic location. Choosing to use the provided blacklight flashlights would allow the viewer to experience more of the story through additional information silkscreened in invisible ink onto the pieces.
Not every user would end up having the same experience, or revealing the same information, which is intended as it parallels the experiences paranormal investigators face.
An exhibition designed and based around a local NJ haunt/legend— the Seabrook Wilson House. Users were able to walk around the space at their own pace in order to discover the full story of this historic location. Choosing to use the provided blacklight flashlights would allow the viewer to experience more of the story through additional information silkscreened in invisible ink onto the pieces.
Not every user would end up having the same experience, or revealing the same information, which is intended as it parallels the experiences paranormal investigators face.